GU27 1 is a postcode sector in Waverley, UK. Below is a complete list of GU27 1 Postcodes (Active). GU27 1 postcode sector comprises of 192 active postcodes. GU27 1 sector has a population of 6915, and it has 2885 properties in the region.
Population | 6915 |
Addresses / Property Count | 2885 |
Active Postcodes | 192 |
Nearby Postcode Districts | 39 |
Nearby Postcode Sectors | 3 |
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Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Households | Population | Easting | Northing |
GU27 1AA | 51.09964100 | -0.70657600 | 3 | 5 | 490662 | 134166 |
GU27 1AB | 51.10050500 | -0.71031600 | 2 | 8 | 490398 | 134258 |
GU27 1AE | 51.09674700 | -0.72190300 | 12 | 29 | 489594 | 133825 |
GU27 1AF | 51.09513700 | -0.72642400 | 23 | 57 | 489281 | 133641 |
GU27 1AG | 51.09626400 | -0.72496500 | 22 | 57 | 489381 | 133768 |
GU27 1AH | 51.10105600 | -0.71590600 | 10 | 20 | 490006 | 134312 |
GU27 1AJ | 51.10382300 | -0.71070200 | 15 | 49 | 490365 | 134626 |
GU27 1AL | 51.11052000 | -0.70561500 | 1 | 3 | 490708 | 135377 |
GU27 1AN | 51.10827400 | -0.69605000 | N/A | N/A | 491382 | 135139 |
GU27 1AP | 51.09736700 | -0.71482300 | 1 | 2 | 490089 | 133903 |
GU27 1AQ | 51.09766400 | -0.72642600 | 3 | 7 | 489276 | 133922 |
GU27 1AR | 51.10091500 | -0.71041100 | N/A | N/A | 490391 | 134303 |
GU27 1AS | 51.10114900 | -0.70961900 | N/A | N/A | 490446 | 134330 |
GU27 1AW | 51.08850000 | -0.72510100 | 6 | 12 | 489386 | 132904 |
GU27 1AZ | 51.09528200 | -0.71418100 | 25 | 63 | 490138 | 133672 |
GU27 1BA | 51.09603100 | -0.71271800 | 37 | 88 | 490239 | 133757 |
GU27 1BB | 51.09581400 | -0.71350900 | 12 | 34 | 490184 | 133732 |
GU27 1BD | 51.09424000 | -0.71428100 | 11 | 27 | 490133 | 133556 |
GU27 1BE | 51.09450900 | -0.71177500 | 62 | 183 | 490308 | 133589 |
GU27 1BF | 51.09506700 | -0.71095900 | 17 | 49 | 490364 | 133652 |
GU27 1BG | 51.08840100 | -0.72510300 | 6 | 15 | 489386 | 132893 |
GU27 1BH | 51.09198100 | -0.71325900 | 31 | 35 | 490209 | 133306 |
GU27 1BJ | 51.09140000 | -0.71438900 | 9 | 18 | 490131 | 133240 |
GU27 1BL | 51.09168300 | -0.71236700 | 10 | 25 | 490272 | 133274 |
GU27 1BN | 51.09227600 | -0.71152300 | 4 | 11 | 490330 | 133341 |
GU27 1BP | 51.09228200 | -0.71609200 | 17 | 43 | 490010 | 133336 |
GU27 1BQ | 51.08832900 | -0.72545400 | 6 | 10 | 489362 | 132885 |
GU27 1BS | 51.09099300 | -0.71747000 | 12 | 34 | 489916 | 133191 |
GU27 1BT | 51.08950400 | -0.72192300 | 13 | 27 | 489607 | 133020 |
GU27 1BW | 51.09328500 | -0.71085200 | 21 | 29 | 490375 | 133454 |
GU27 1BX | 51.08831300 | -0.72366300 | 22 | 40 | 489487 | 132885 |
GU27 1BY | 51.08824500 | -0.72519900 | N/A | N/A | 489380 | 132876 |
GU27 1BZ | 51.08797400 | -0.72507800 | 2 | 6 | 489389 | 132846 |
GU27 1DA | 51.08777700 | -0.72518400 | 22 | 36 | 489382 | 132824 |
GU27 1DB | 51.08916500 | -0.71974800 | N/A | N/A | 489760 | 132985 |
GU27 1DD | 51.08849900 | -0.72590000 | 5 | 6 | 489330 | 132903 |
GU27 1DE | 51.08955700 | -0.73007500 | 25 | 68 | 489036 | 133016 |
GU27 1DF | 51.08858500 | -0.72837400 | 15 | 37 | 489157 | 132910 |
GU27 1DG | 51.08822800 | -0.72699900 | 5 | 12 | 489254 | 132872 |
GU27 1DH | 51.08691200 | -0.72919100 | 15 | 41 | 489103 | 132723 |
GU27 1DJ | 51.08751300 | -0.72866900 | 4 | 7 | 489138 | 132790 |
GU27 1DL | 51.08716800 | -0.72709900 | 12 | 16 | 489249 | 132754 |
GU27 1DN | 51.08908100 | -0.72070100 | N/A | N/A | 489693 | 132974 |
GU27 1DP | 51.09549300 | -0.71531800 | 26 | 30 | 490058 | 133694 |
GU27 1DQ | 51.08734600 | -0.72821600 | 28 | 77 | 489170 | 132772 |
GU27 1DR | 51.09171000 | -0.72054900 | 13 | 34 | 489699 | 133267 |
GU27 1DS | 51.09307400 | -0.71782600 | 13 | 29 | 489887 | 133422 |
GU27 1DT | 51.09493100 | -0.71659000 | 10 | 22 | 489970 | 133630 |
GU27 1DU | 51.09777900 | -0.71309800 | 29 | 85 | 490209 | 133951 |
GU27 1DW | 51.09007900 | -0.71651800 | N/A | N/A | 489984 | 133091 |